Patients Rights

As a patient at Raices de Bienestar you have the following rights

1. Nondiscrimination: Raíces will not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, duration of residence, religion, immigration status, ancestry, gender, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, or age.

2. Spiritual and religious freedom: The right to religious beliefs and spiritual practices. Raíces representatives will demonstrate compassion and provide support to practice patient’s chosen religion or form of spirituality.

3. Respect and Dignity: The right to treatment that is considerate and respectful of patient dignity and individuality. 

4. Exercise of rights: Civil and human rights are the same as if not in treatment, including the right to vote and political views. If you would like to register to vote, please follow this link: Please ask our staff if you need or prefer a paper copy of a voter registration form. If you would like assistance in completing this form, please reach out to our staff and we are happy to support you.

5. At the start of treatment, patients have the right to 

  • be informed of the policies and procedures, service agreements and treatment fees for services provided

  • have a custodial parent, guardian, or representative, assist with understanding any information presented.

  • have family, guardian, love ones, and/or other trusted individuals involved in service planning and delivery 

  • make a declaration for mental health treatment, as a legal adult

  • give informed consent in writing, except in a medical emergency or as otherwise permitted by law. Minor children may give informed consent to services if under age 18 and lawfully married, age 16 or older and legally emancipated by the court, or age 14 or older for outpatient services only. 

  • file grievances, including appealing decisions resulting from the grievance

  •  exercise all rights set forth in ORS 109.610 through 109.697

  •  exercise all rights described here without any form of reprisal or punishment.

6. While in treatment: Patients have the right to

  • choose from available services that are consistent with the Service Plan, culturally relevant, provided in an integrated setting in the community and under conditions that are least restrictive and that provide the greatest degree of independence.

  • receive medication specific to patient diagnosis, including those prescribed as part of medication assisted opioid treatment in a certified program. 

  • participate in the development of a written Service Plan, and receive services consistent with that plan, to participate in periodic review and reassessment of service needs, and to receive a copy of the written Service Plan.

  • confidential treatment of your records and to consent to disclosure in accordance with ORS 107.154, 179.505, 179.507, 192.515, 192.507, 42 CFR Part 2 and 45 CFR Part 205.50.  Except as required by a medical emergency, no information will be released to or sought from any other agency or significant other (spouse, parent, etc.), unless there is a signed Release of Information form, or are under age 14. Statistical data reported to funding and monitoring agencies shall be processed in a manner that protects patient identity.

  • be notified in advance of changes in the care team except in emergencies or if there are concerns about health and safety.

  • ask for and receive, from appropriate staff members, information about diagnosis, individual plan and treatment methods, prospects for recovery and outcomes, potential risks, and alternatives for treatment in understandable terms.

  • refuse to participate in research and experimentation. 

  • not be abused or neglected by any representative of Raíces. Physical punishment, restraining and mental, sexual, and physical abuse are prohibited. patients are not permitted to discipline other patients. Sexual contact between patients and staff from Raíces representatives is strictly prohibited. 

  • not perform services for Raíces that are not included for therapeutic purposes in the program or in the individual plan.

  • formally or informally express concerns and complaints, and information regarding the grievance process.

  • review service records within five days of a written request to do so in accordance with ORS 179.505.

  • terminate services at any time.  Patients also have the right to refuse treatment and to be informed of the consequences of their refusal. If refusal prevents Raíces’ staff from giving appropriate, ethical care, Raíces’ staff may terminate services.

For more information about any of the rights described above please reach out to our clinical team.

Downloadable Patients Rights Doc

Patients Rights