for Traditional Health Workers & Community Leaders

Raíces de Bienestar provides programs, training, and activities related to mental health for Traditional Health Workers (THW).  Our passion is to uplift, honor, recognize and foster the work that THWs  do to support emotional and mental health and wellness in the Latine community. Many of our training programs are certified by the Oregon Health Authority THW Commission to offer continued education units.

  • Developed in 2018 by co-founder and executive director Dr. Ruth Zúñiga, this evidence-based, and culturally specific curriculum is designed for, with and by the Latine community. The curriculum was designed in collaboration with a Promotores de Salud Advisory Committee and a team of bilingual and bicultural graduate psychology students. This training uses culturally specific values and liberatory practices and trauma/healing informed principles to promote emotional health for those taking the training and the communities they serve. The curriculum is delivered through six modules and is taught in Spanish, using popular education and honoring ancestral knowledge.

    The training objectives include:

    • Addressing mental health stigma and other mental health barriers within the Latine community through education and empowerment

    • Teaching self-care, self-regulation and co-regulation techniques

    • Supporting emotional health and wellbeing within the community

    • Facilitating understanding of mental health systems and how to access mental health support

    Accredited for Continued Education hours in Oregon for Traditional Health Workers, the modules cover:

    • Stress management

    • Basics of mental health concerns: Depression and anxiety

    • Healthy relationships and domestic violence

    • Substance use and abuse disorders

    • Suicide prevention and Intervention

    • Basics of mental health skills to support the community

    The training empowers traditional health workers to address mental health issues, emphasizing their own emotional health and healing. Participants report increased confidence and skills, both for addressing emotional health within the community and improving their well-being. The training is available in-person or online and all of them include culturally responsive skills and trauma-informed practice.

  • This is an interactive, culturally specific, empowering and engaging training for traditional health workers and Latine community leaders wanting to gain skills around disasters and climate change. leaders. The 15-hour curriculum for this training incorporates Latine cultural and ancestral knowledge, liberation pedagogy, trauma/healing-informed practices, and the latest neuroscience evidence in regards to disaster resilience.

    Through three modules, participants learn concepts, skills, and tools to support and enhance their own resilience and strength of their communities before, during, and after disasters.

    Key aspects include:

    • Strengthening participants’ own emotional health and wellbeing around climate related stressors

    • Preventing or coping with vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue

    • Using trauma informed practices and culturally affirming practices to address challenges within the community

    Guided by a community advisory board of Latine leaders and traditional health workers, the training covers topics such as trauma, toxic stress, and adversities associated with climate change and wildfires. It also teaches:

    • Culturally adapted mindfulness and resilience skills

    • Coping mechanisms for dealing with traumatic experiences such as disasters

    • Tools for recognizing and honoring individual and community resilience

    • Advocacy and tools for efficient community resilience and support

    Accredited for Continued Education Units through the Traditional Health Workers (THW) Commission in Oregon, this training is provided in Spanish.

  • We partner with community-based organizations and public sectors to offer a series of training and/or group sessions focused on enhancing individual and collective resilience and self-care. Our curriculum is offered in English or Spanish and is highly adaptable to meet the needs of the participants. The training is focused on addressing the influence of current issues and on the emotional and mental health of community leaders and community helpers. Behavioral health competencies and skills are taught to enhance the connection between community leaders and those they serve, apply learned skills to support their own emotional wellness, and prevent secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, and burn out.

  • Raíces’ suicide prevention and intervention training is entirely designed by the Latine community for the Latine community. Through interactive learning activities and popular education methods, the trainings cover the basic concepts related to suicide prevention and risk, and ways to recognize and support community members who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviors. The Suicide Prevention training offers space for consistent participation in group reflections, small group activities, practice skills, sharing information and experiences and asking questions. The training is certified for Continued Education Units through the Traditional Health Worker Commission in Oregon. We offer this training in Spanish or English.